
Trademark Renewal

Trademark Renewal Service

A trademark renewal service is a company that helps businesses and individuals renew their trademarks. Trademark renewals are required every ten years to maintain trademark rights. If a trademark is not renewed, it will expire and become public domain.

Benefits of Using a Trademark Renewal Service

There are several benefits to using a trademark renewal service, including:

  • Convenience: Trademark renewal services can save you time and hassle by handling the entire renewal process for you.
  • Accuracy: Trademark renewal services can help to ensure that your renewal application is accurate and complete.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that your trademark has been renewed correctly can give you peace of mind and help to avoid potential problems with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

How a Trademark Renewal Service Works

To use a trademark renewal service, you will typically need to provide the service with the following information:

  • The name and registration number of your trademark
  • The date on which your trademark is due for renewal
  • The filing fee

The trademark renewal service will then prepare and file the necessary paperwork with the USPTO. Once the USPTO has approved your renewal application, your trademark will be renewed for another ten years.

Choosing a Trademark Renewal Service

When choosing a trademark renewal service, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Experience: Choose a service with experience in renewing trademarks.
  • Reputation: Choose a service with a good reputation in the industry.
  • Cost: Compare the fees of different services before making a decision.
  • Services offered: Make sure that the service offers the services that you need, such as filing renewal applications and monitoring trademark renewal deadlines.

Tips for Renewing Your Trademark

Here are some tips for renewing your trademark:

  • Renew your trademark on time. You must renew your trademark within six months of the expiration date. If you do not renew your trademark on time, you will need to file a petition to reinstate your trademark, which can be costly and time-consuming.
  • Monitor your trademark renewal deadlines. Set a reminder in your calendar to renew your trademark six months before the expiration date.
  • Use a trademark renewal service. A trademark renewal service can save you time and hassle by handling the entire renewal process for you.


Renewing your trademark is an important step to take to maintain your trademark rights. If you need to renew your trademark, consider using a trademark renewal service to help you with the process.

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