
Patent Search

A patent novelty search is a comprehensive search of patent databases to identify any existing patents that are similar or identical to your proposed invention. This search is important to conduct before you file a patent application, as it can help you to determine whether your invention is novel and therefore patentable.

A patent novelty search service can help you to:

  • Identify any existing patents that are similar or identical to your proposed invention
  • Assess the likelihood of patent novelty
  • Determine whether your proposed invention is likely to be patentable
  • Avoid filing a patent application for an invention that is not patentable
  • Save time and money by avoiding the cost of filing a patent application that is likely to be rejected by the USPTO

What to Expect from a Patent Novelty Search Service

When you engage a patent novelty search service, the search company will typically perform the following steps:

  1. Gather information about your proposed invention. This may include a detailed description of your invention, as well as drawings or diagrams of your invention, if necessary.
  2. Search patent databases. The search company will search a variety of patent databases, including the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database, international patent databases, and non-patent literature.
  3. Identify any similar or identical patents. The search company will identify any existing patents that are similar or identical to your proposed invention.
  4. Assess the likelihood of patent novelty. The search company will assess the likelihood of patent novelty by comparing your proposed invention to the claims of the existing patents.
  5. Prepare a report. The search company will prepare a report that summarizes the results of the search and provides an assessment of the likelihood of patent novelty. The report may also include recommendations on how to modify your proposed invention to enhance its patentability.

Benefits of Using a Patent Novelty Search Service

There are many benefits to using a patent novelty search service, including:

  • Expertise: Patent novelty search companies have the expertise and experience to conduct thorough and accurate patent searches.
  • Efficiency: Patent novelty search companies can save you time and hassle by conducting the search for you.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that your invention has been cleared for patenting can give you peace of mind and help you to avoid the cost and frustration of filing a patent application that is likely to be rejected.

Who Should Use a Patent Novelty Search Service?

Any business or individual that is considering filing a patent application should consider using a patent novelty search service. This includes businesses of all sizes, from startups to large corporations.

How to Choose a Patent Novelty Search Service

When choosing a patent novelty search service, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Experience: Choose a search company with experience in conducting patent novelty searches.
  • Reputation: Choose a search company with a good reputation in the industry.
  • Cost: Compare the fees of different search companies before making a decision.
  • Services offered: Make sure that the search company offers the services that you need, such as searching international patent databases and non-patent literature.


A patent novelty search is an important step to take before you file a patent application. By using a patent novelty search service, you can identify any potential conflicts with existing patents and increase your chances of success in the patenting process.

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